Thursday, January 28, 2010

Dis 'n' Dat from Delta

14 days until the winter Olympics start right here in Beautiful British Columbia
5 days until Lost season 6 begins and i can hardly wait

My thumbs are up to Jay Leno
Thumbs down to Heidi Montag

Product review - Snuggie - good
                           Magic bullet - bad

Goodbye - Wii, Hello again Super Nintendo Mario Brothers
Goodbye - Kate Gosslin

Biggest jerks - John Edwards
                     - Tiger Woods
                     - Jon Gosslin
                     - Dr. Conrad Murray

Most missed celebrity - Michael Jackson
Would like to see less of - Rosie O'Donnell

Biggest neighborhood mystery - Why do visitors to next door park in front of MY house?
Theres plenty of parking next door!

Best household/cooking tip - after chopping garlic rinse hands and fingers with plain water then rub them on stainless steel - sink, faucet, or knife etc.  Rinse again. No more garlic fingers, smells gone!

Question of the day - Is this ingredient a mistake in my Brownie recipe - 1 tsp. ground black pepper?


Lorraina said...

Lalala, do you mean about the pepper in the brownies? Yes, its true, my recipe says that. I think it must be a typo or error, but then what do i know about baking? nothing!

Lalala said...

I have heard about pepper in coffee, or chocolate in chili.... it must be a latin american thing.