happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday dear Pavel
happy birthday to you.
Pavel Petunia Blue is 15 years old today. He spent most of it sleeping just like it was any old day. Here's another shot and dosn't he look young here
Really kittenish isn't he? Not bad for 15
and here's his big foot.........yowsers Patty........!
Pavel is doing well and is such a joy to us. I cannot imagine a life without him around.
Here's a quote from Jean Cocteau:
"I love cats because i love my home and after a while they become it's visible soul"
Yes, that's so true; Pavel is the heart and soul of our home. He is so loving and beautiful and content to be ours. He has grace and power and mysticism even when he sleeps. I know that when he's gone his absence and silence will be overbearing.
And unfortunately that time creeps nearer as another year adds up. Cats can live into the twenties, and we did have one who almost made that. Will Pavel have another 5 years with us?
He seems healthy although he sleeps most of the time. Well, what else is there for him to do? He dosn't go outside, no need to hunt for food....he does get up once in a while to find another spot to crash in. And he loves to find a sunbeam to relax in but sunbeams don't happen every day. He also loves to watch car commercials. And he loves snuggles and thats what we do best.
Nighty night now Pavel; i know you're tired and bored with the posing but lol! do you have to look so crabby! C'mon, a little smile......pleeze.............