Monday, August 24, 2015

August lunch with Jen, Hailey and Emily

Somebody new has joined our little lunch group in the corner booth at Boston Pizza. Emily is such a good baby; she didn't fuss or cry at all. Hailey is such a big girl now at going on 3 she orders her own main course for lunch along with her favourite beverage and desert.

 Such cute great granddaughters with their little matching dresses

 Can you tell Hailey had ice cream with strawberries?
 Hailey has her own camera and does all her own photography now

I really enjoyed my fun lunch with my favourite great granddaughters!

1 comment:

Lorraina said...

That's what I did when my twins started school, so many years ago. I thought it best that they develop individually. That's when they started dressing differently as well, or maybe the same outfits but different colours. Good luck to your granddaughters, hope they've settled in and love learning and making new friends.